BitWave Bio

BitWave Bio is a web application that generates a custom personal profile bio site based on a config.yml file stored in your user's root GitHub profile repository (where your profile's README.md is stored).

BitWave Bio

User page screenshot

BitWave Bio is a web application that generates a custom personal profile bio site based on a config.yml file stored in your user's root GitHub profile repository (where your profile's README.md is stored).
To start using it and share your personal site with your friends, you just need to customize your config.yml with needed links, info, nickname, and much more!


To run your own personal bio site, follow these steps:

  1. Create a config.yml file in your profile root repository (in which your README.md is stored)
  2. Insert our configuration template inside of that file, and customize it with your info and links Template:
#  Configuration file for BitWave Bio
#     https://github.com/BitWaveOrg
#           https://five.bio

user_firstname: 'v3sker' # Username shown on profile (Required)
userbio: 'Profesional lazy idiot.' # Profile description (Required)

linkedin_login: 'your_linkedin' # LinkedIn login (Optional)
telegram_login: 'your_telegram' # Telegram login (Optional)
discords_login: 'your_discord' # DiscordS login (Optional)
steam_login: 'your_steam_customid' # SteamCommunity ID (Optional)
instagram_login: 'your_insta' # Instagram login (Optional)
twitch_login: 'your_twitch' # Twitch login (Optional)
facebook_login: 'your_facebook' # Facebook login (Optional)
tiktok_login: 'your_tiktok' # TikTok login (Optional)
youtube_login: 'your_youtube' # YouTube login (Optional)
twitter_login: 'your_twitter' # Twitter login (Optional)
website_url: 'https://your.web.site' # Website url (Optional)
cv_url: 'your_cv_url' # CV URL (Optional)

profile_theme: 'dark' # Profile style
profile_color: 'rgb(0,0,0)' # Profile border color

(If you have some problems with configuration file, take a look at this example.)


To use BitWave Bio, follow these steps:

  1. Create a config.yml file in your root GitHub profile repository (use "Instalation" section above.).
  2. Define the links and configuration settings in the config.yml file.
  3. Search your generated personal profile site on our site.
  4. Now you can share your personal site with others, just by giving them your unique link!


Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.