
Fully localized JMusicBot bot from Jagrosh into Russian

[EN] JMusicBot Fork Jahrosh Music Bot

Cross-platform Discord music bot with a clean interface, easy to set up and run on your own!


  • Easy to launch (just make sure Java is installed and working!)
  • Fast song loading
  • No external keys needed (except Discord Bot token)
  • Smooth playback
  • Server configuration for the "DJ" role that can moderate music
  • Clean and beautiful menus
  • Channel theme playback panel
  • Supports many sites, including YouTube, SoundCloud, and others
  • Supports many online radio/streams
  • Supports local files
  • Playlist support (both web/YouTube and local)


Loading example...


Please see the installation files to run this bot on your own!

Questions / Suggestions / Bug Reports

Please read the List of Recommended/Planned Features before suggesting any features. If you'd like to suggest changes to how the bot functions, recommend more customization options, or report bugs, feel free to open an Issue in this repository, or join my Discord server. (Note: I will not accept feature requests that require additional API keys or features unrelated to music). If you enjoy this bot, make sure to star the libraries that make it possible: JDA and Lavaplayer.


This bot (and the source code here) may not be easy to edit for inexperienced programmers. The primary purpose of providing the public source code is to showcase the capabilities of the libraries, allow others to understand how the bot works, and enable those familiar with Java, JDA, and Discord development to contribute. There are many requirements and dependencies needed for editing and compiling it, and no support will be provided to those wishing to make changes themselves. Instead, consider requesting a feature (see the section above). If you choose to make modifications, please do so in accordance with the Apache 2.0 license.